Temporary car insurance for 17 year olds

Get short-term cover as a 17 year old

Short term cover can be the perfect insurance option for 17-year-olds, especially if you’re a learner driver.

Temporary insurance is built to be flexible, so it can work around your schedule and when you want to drive. It also offers the benefit of reducing the cost of young driver’s insurance which is usually extremely expensive. Because you only pay for cover as and when you need it, you won’t have the expensive and unnecessary cost of traditional insurance.

It’s also ideal for young drivers borrowing or learning in their parent’s car. Your temporary policy will be separate from any existing policy, should you have an accident, it won’t impact their No Claims Discount.

Yes – with Tempcover, 17-year-olds could get a temporary car insurance quote in just 90 seconds. If you have held your licence for at least 6 months and meet our very basic acceptance criteria, we’re confident we can find you a policy.

Whether you’re borrowing a car from a friend or family member, picking up your first car, or want to share the drive with your friends, temporary car insurance is a flexible, affordable insurance option for young drivers.

If like most 17-year-old drivers, you’re still learning to drive, you can find temporary learner driver insurance to help you get that important extra practice. You’ll just need the permission of the vehicle owner and to be supervised by a driver aged over 25.

Whether you’re still learning, or a new driver looking for temporary car insurance, getting cover is quick and easy with Tempcover.

What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old to insure?

When buying your first car, you’ll want one that’s not only cheap to buy but also cheap to insure.

As you’d expect, the cheapest cars to buy and insure are smaller, less powerful and in a lower insurance group.

There are 50 insurance groups, and the lower your cars insurance group, the cheaper your insurance will be. Insurance groups are based on several factors including your cars value, performance, security, and cost of repairs/a replacement.

If you have the choice, you should aim for the lowest possible group to get the best insurance prices. When you’re on the lookout for a new car, here are some of the cheapest cars for a 17-year-old to insure:

  • Nissan Micra
  • Kia Rio
  • Volkswagen Polo
  • Ford Ka+
  • SmartForFour

All these models are in the lowest insurance group. Check out our full guide for more information on the cheapest cars to insure.

What does temporary car insurance for 17 year olds cover?

Despite being a more affordable insurance option, temporary car insurance comes with the highest level of cover, fully comprehensive, as standard on all policies. Whether you’re borrowing a car or trying out your first car, you get complete peace of mind on the road.

What’s covered with short term car insurance for 17-year-olds

What’s not covered with short term car insurance for 17-year-olds

Fully comprehensive insurance on policies from 1 hour to 28 days The excess you agreed to pay
Accidental and malicious damage to your car Release from an impound (unless you buy a specific temporary impounded vehicle policy)
Accidental and malicious damage to your car Additional drivers – we can only cover the driver named on the policy
Legal liabilities for injury or damage to another person or their property
Driving in the UK, and in some instances driving in the EU

Tempcover works with a panel of insurers to ensure we can provide temporary car insurance for as many drivers as possible. Because of this, full details of cover may differ depending on the insurer. Please double-check the policy wording before purchasing to confirm what is specifically covered in your policy.

Why is temporary car insurance more expensive for 17 year olds?

As the youngest possible drivers, 17-year-olds will have to pay the most for their policy. Statistically, drivers with a lack of experience, such as new drivers, young drivers, and learner drivers, are more likely to have an accident and make a claim.

Because of the increased chances of having an accident, insurance providers will increase the cost of your premium to cover the potential pay-out.

As a 17-year-old driver, you won’t have had the chance to build up a significant No Claims Discount. Without this, there is little chance of reducing the overall cost of your insurance.

With little experience, no No Claims Discount, or even as a learner, you are seen as the riskiest drivers to insure.

There are a few steps you can take to make your car insurance less expensive. This includes choosing a less powerful car and most importantly, only paying for the insurance you need with temp car insurance for 17-year-olds.

How do I get temporary car insurance as a 17 year old?

Getting temporary car insurance as a 17-year-old is just as quick and easy as any other driver. With Tempcover, it takes just 90 seconds to get a quote – all you need to do is enter some basic information about yourself and the vehicle you want to drive.

About yourself, you’ll need to tell us your:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Email and Phone number

About the car, you’ll need to tell us:

  • The vehicle reg
  • Confirm the make and model
  • How much the vehicle is valued

Just answer these simple questions and If you have held your licence for at least 6 months and meet our very basic acceptance criteria, you’ll see a quote.

If you’re a 17-year-old learner driver, we’ll just need a little more information, including:

  • Your occupation
  • Who the vehicle owner is
  • Whether the vehicle has annual insurance

To get temporary learner driver insurance, you must be supervised by a driver who:

  • Is at least 25 years old
  • Has a full valid driving licence for the vehicle being used
  • Has had that licence for at least 3 years
  • Has not received any payment for the lessons

Need to drive a different vehicle? Don’t worry, Tempcover offers temporary insurance for a range of other vehicles including:

  • Temporary van insurance
  • Temporary learner driver insurance
  • Temporary motorbike insurance


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