The primary purpose of speechmaking is to demonstrate your command of the topic.

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Terms in this set (39)

6- The primary purpose of speechmaking is to demonstrate your command of the topic.


6- According to your textbook, public speakers need to be audience-centered.


6- Being audience-centered means that your primary purpose as a speaker is to gain a desired response from the audience.


6- The aim of successful speechmaking is to gain a desired response from listeners by any means necessary.


6- The need to adapt to the audience means that speechmakers must usually compromise their own beliefs or values.


6- The aim of successful speechmaking is to gain a desired response from listeners even if the speaker must compromise his or her beliefs to do so.


6- Being audience-centered means a speaker must sacrifice what she or he really believes to get a favorable response from the audience.


6-Adapting to audiences is one of the easiest tasks facing beginning speakers.


6- The need for audience analysis and adaptation is one of the major differences between public speaking and everyday conversation.


6-The classroom is an artificial speaking situation in which you can overlook the attitudes and interests of your audience.


Using your own knowledge and experience in a speech can help bring the speech to life.


6-According to your textbook, you should avoid using personal experience when writing a speech.


In you're unsure where to find a source or a particular piece of information in the library, your textbook recommends that you ask a librarian for help.


6- Most library catalogues allow a researcher to look for books by author, title, subject, or keyword.


6- Reference works include such items as encyclopedias, yearbooks, quotation books, and biographical aids.


Yearbooks are reference works whose primary purpose is to help you find information about people.


According to your textbook, in the absence of a full magazine or journal article, you should feel free to cite the article in your speech on the basis of the abstract alone.


As your textbook explains, when you locate an abstract of a magazine artivle, you should feel free to cite the article in your speech on the basis of the abstract alone.


Newspaper and periodical databases are good places to find articles in scholary journals.


As your textbook explains, academic databases are particularly useful for finding articles in scholarly journals.


As your textbook explains, the primary purspose of speechmaking is to _____

(a) gain a desired response from listeners

As your textbook explains, the primary purpose of speechmaking is to

(c) gain a desired response from listeners

Audience-centeredness means that public speakers should _____

(a) keep the audience foremost in mind throughout the speechmaking process

Audience analysis is an important factor in which of the following:

(d) all the above

a. choosing the speech topic
b. preparing the speech
c. presenting the speech

Audience adaptation is an important factor in which of the following steps of the speechmaking process?

(d) all of the above

a. formulating a specific purpose
b. writing an introduction and conclusion
c. choosing visual aids

In her speech introduction, Kailyn asked, "Have you ever looked through old family photo albums and laughed at what people were wearing? Like many of you, I've noticed the changes in fashion and feared that my effort to look stylish today may eventually be a source of amusement to my future children." According to your textbook, by attempting to show her listeners why they should care about her topic, Kailyn was

(d) adapting to her audience

In her speech introduction, Suya said, "Though we are all very different, we are all students here at this university and are all working toward the completion of a degree. Unfortunately, because of rising tuition, some of us may lose the ability to continue in school." According to your textbook, by seeking to create a bond with her audience through emphasizing their common goals and experiences, Suya was engaging in

(d) adapting to her audience

To say that people usually want to hear about things that are meaningful to them is to say that people are ______

(e) egocentric

The fact that audiences are egocentric means that

(a) listeners interpret what you say on the basis of what they know and believe

The ______ contains a list of all the resources owned by the library.

(b) catalogue

The library's catalogue allows you to search for books by

(d) all of the above

a. author
b. titile
c. keyword

The library catalogue _____

(e) A and C only

a. lists all the books, periodicals, and other resources owned by the library
c. allows a researcher to look for books and by author, title, or subjecct

Encyclopedias, yearbooks, biographical aids, and quotation books are all examples of

(b) reference works

Who's who Among Americans is an example of an _______

(d) biographical aid

As part of the research for his informatve speech, Malik needs life and career facts about German Chancellor Angela Merkel....

(d) biographical aid

Newspaper and periodical databases

(e) a & c only

a. catalog articles from a large # of newspapers, journals, and magazines
c. often provide abstracts and full texts of articles.

A(n) ________ is a summary of a magazine or research article .....

(b) abstract

As your textbook explains, when is it appropriate to cite an abstract of of magazine or journal article........

(a) never

A(n) _________ is a research aid that catalogues articles from a large number of scholarly journals.

(d) academic database

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What is the primary purpose of speechmaking?

The primary purpose of speechmaking is to: Gain a desired response from listeners. A process in which speakers seek to create a bond with the audience by emphasizing common values, goals, and experiences.

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The purpose of a speech of introduction is to introduce the main speaker to the audience.

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Speeches are organized into three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion..
Introduction. The introduction of the speech establishes the first, crucial contact between the speaker and the audience. ... .
Body. In the body, the fewer the main points the better. ... .


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