Which of the following statements is true of people involved in the leadership relationship?

Melanie has been promoted as the operations head of Apex Inc. She aims to lead the organization in an effective manner. Which of the following should be implemented by Melanie to achieve her aim?


Focus on getting the most results out of people so that production goals are achieved.


Ensure that employees are part of a community and feel that they are contributing to something worthwhile.


Maintain a relationship based on position and formal authority and not on personal influence and trust.
Incorrect Response

Maintain a degree of stability, predictability, and order through a culture of efficiency.

Which of the following characteristics is most important for leaders to develop?

The best leaders are skilled communicators who are able to communicate in a variety of ways, from transmitting information to inspiring others to coaching direct reports. And you must be able to listen to, and communicate with, a wide range of people across roles, geographies, social identities, and more.

Which of the following is a characteristic of collaborative leaders?

For successful collaborative leadership, the leader must have a set of skills that are considered to be of value across multiple functions and sectors. Stakeholder management, strategic planning, quantitative analysis, and ability to motivate are some of the skills that this leader would process.

Which of the following statements is an outdated stereotype about leadership?

Which of the following statements is an outdated stereotype about leaders? leaders are different and above others. It becomes easier for people to see their own opportunities for leadership when they: stop equating leadership with greatness and public visibility.

Which of the following statements is true of leaders who subscribe to the assumptions of Theory Y?

Which of the following statements is true of leaders who subscribe to the assumptions of Theory Y? They believe that the average human being prefers to be directed and wishes to avoid responsibility. They do not believe that people will seek out greater responsibility and will exercise imagination and creativity.


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