You suspect that the gshant user account is locked. enter the command you would use in a shell to show the status of the user account.

groups gshantYou suspect that the gshant user account is locked. Which command will show the status of the useraccount?passwd -S gshantYou want to keep the gshant user from editing his respective crontab file in /var/spool/cron, but stillallow all other users on the system to edit their respective crontab file. Which file should you edit?/etc/cron.deny

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Discrete Mathematics With Applications


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Which file on a Debian Linux distribution displays the time zone settings?/etc/timezoneUser accounts:Control the ability to log on to a system, access resources, and perform certain actions.Groups:Provide a means of grouping users for administrative purposes such as assigning permissions to files.Standard userStandard user accounts can log into the system.Standard user accounts:-Have friendly usernames (such as mary or bkaun). An administrator must create the user names.-Have an ID of 500 or more for Fedora, or 1000 or more for SUSE. The ID is automatically assigned by thesystem when the account is created.System userSystem user accounts are created by default during the Linux installation and are used by the system forspecific roles.System user accounts:-Have names that correspond with their roles, such as ftp and mail.-Cannot be used to log into the system.

Note: The root user account is created by default and has a UID of 0; however, it can be used to log into asystem and perform tasks.Primary groupPrimary groups (also called the private group) are created when a standard user is created.Primary groups:-Have the corresponding user as the only member.-Are automatically made the owner of files and directories when they are created.-Are similar to any other group; however, the only difference is that the user account specificallyidentifies the primary group for each user.Secondary groupsSecondary groups are used to manage access to files and directories. Secondary groups:-Have friendly names (such as sales or accounting).-An administrator must assign secondary group names.-Receive their membership as assigned by the system administrator./etc/passwdHolds user account information.Note:-Each entry identifies a user account.-Each entry contains multiple fields, with each field separated by a colon.

Example:The following line is a sample entry in the /etc/passwd file:pclark:x:501:501:Petunia Clark:/home/pclark:/bin/bashThe fields within this line are as follows:1.User account name.2.Password. An x in the field indicates passwords are stored in the /etc/shadow file.3.User ID number.4.Primary group ID number (also known as the default group ID number). Typically this number matchesthe UID number.5.GECOS field. This field is typically used for a description or the user's full name.6. Path to the home directory.7. Path to the default shell./etc/shadowHolds passwords and password expiration information for user accounts.

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Which command can you use to lock a user account?

To lock a user account use the command usermod -L or passwd -l. Both the commands adds an exclamation mark (“!”) in the second field of the file /etc/shadow.It has to be executed by either boby/privilaged user. It will deny any access which would be done directly using su or with ssh.

Which of the following commands would you use to view the current soft limits on a Linux machine quizlet?

Users can modify soft limits but not hard limits using the ulimit command. Which of the following commands would you use to view the current soft limits on a Linux machine? The ulimit -a command displays the current limits. The default shows soft limits.

What is the effect of the following command chage 60 10 Jsmith?

Terms in this set (6) What is the effect of the following command? chage -M 60 -W 10 jsmith Forces jsmith to keep the password 60 days before changing it and gives a warning 10 days before changing it. Deletes the jsmith user account after 60 days and gives a warning 10 days before it expires.

Which of the following is the standard shell for most Linux computers?

Bash, or the Bourne-Again Shell, is by far the most widely used choice and it comes installed as the default shell in the most popular Linux distributions.


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