A nation’s plan for answering the three economic questions is called its

economic decision making Process of choosing which wants, among several options, will be satisfied.
economic system A nation's plan for answering the three economic questions.
needs things that are required in order to live.
scarcity Not having enough resources to satisy unlimited wants.
supply quantity of a good or service that businesses are willing and able to provide.
consumer Person who uses goods and services.
goods Things you can see and touch.
traditional economy System in which goods and services are produced the way it has always been doen.
command economy System in which resources are owned and controlled by the government.
market economy System in which the resources are owned and controlled by the people of the country.
services Activities that are consumed at the same time they are produced.
tradeoff giving up something to have something else.
opportunity cost value of the alternative you did not choose.
mixed economy System that combines elements of the command and market economies.
demand Quantity of a good or a service that consumers are willing able to buy.
wants Things that add comfort and pleasure to your life.
capitalism Private ownership of resources by individuals rather than by the government.
marekt price Point where supply and demand are equal.
economic resources A nation's plan for answering the three economic questions.
producers Individuals and organizations that determine what products and services will be available for sale.

What are the three basic economic questions every society must answer?

In order to meet the needs of its people, every society must answer three basic economic questions: 1 What should we produce? 2 How should we produce it? 3 For whom should we produce it? More ...

Who answers the 3 economic questions in communism?

In communism, who answers the 3 economic questions? The central government regulates the factors of production and addresses the 3 economic questions for the whole society in a centrally planned economy, also considered as a command economy. When it comes to centrally planned economies, the terms socialism and communism are commonly used.

How does a command economy respond to the 3 economic questions?

A market economy, in its most basic form, responds to the 3 economic questions by resource allocation and commodities through markets, where prices are established. In its purest form, a command economy responds to the 3 economic questions by enabling the government to make allocation decisions from a central location.

Can objective economic analysis be applied to the and how questions?

Although objective economic analysis could be applied to the and how questions, answers for whom issue are fraught with philosophical and theoretical pitfalls. Income is obtained from the selling of the services of factors of production, and it identifies a person’s ability to pay. You get paid when you sell your labour services.

What are the three economic questions called?

The three basic economic questions societies ask are: (1) What to produce? (2) How to produce? (3) Who to produce for? A free market is a self-regulating economic system powered by individuals acting in their own self-interest.

How are the three economic questions answered?

In its purest form, a market economy answers the three economic questions by allocating resources and goods through markets, where prices are generated. In its purest form, a command economy answers the three economic questions by making allocation decisions centrally by the government.

Who answers the three economic questions in a command economy?

Command economy relies on government officials to answer the three basic economic questions. Officials called – central planners/ decide on what will be produced and made. Individuals have little or no say in economic choices. Command economies don't exist.