Atlético goianiense e atlético mineiro


About the match

Atlético Goianiense is going head to head with Atlético Mineiro starting on 4 Sep 2022 at 21:00 UTC at Estadio Antonio Accioly stadium, Goiania city, Brazil. The match is a part of the Brasileiro Serie A.

Atlético Goianiense played against Atlético Mineiro in 1 matches this season. Currently, Atlético Goianiense rank 19th, while Atlético Mineiro hold 7th position. Looking to compare the best-rated player on both teams? SofaScore's rating system assigns each player a specific rating based on numerous data factors.

On SofaScore livescore you can find all previous Atlético Goianiense vs Atlético Mineiro results sorted by their H2H matches. SofaScore also provides the best way to follow the live score of this game with various sports features. Therefore, you can:

  • Find out who scored in a live match
  • Get real-time information on which team is dominating the match using the Attack Momentum
  • Follow detailed statistics such as ball possession, shots, corner kicks, big chances created, cards, key passes, duels and more
  • Check all head to head matches – for instance, in the last season Atlético Goianiense and Atlético Mineiro played 2 games against each other
  • Track all home and away games for each team in the Brasileiro Serie A
  • Check out how SofaScore community votes on which team is more likely to win this match.

All of these features can help you decide on Atlético Goianiense vs. Atlético Mineiro game prediction. Even though SofaScore doesn't offer direct betting, it provides the best odds and shows you which sites offer live betting. Live U-TV odds are viewable on SofaScore's Football live score section.

Where to watch Atlético Goianiense vs. Atlético Mineiro? Under TV Channels section you can find the list of all channels that broadcast Atlético Goianiense – Atlético Mineiro live match. You can also live stream this match through our betting partners or click on any links on SofaScore for a legal live stream.

Event details:
NAME: Atlético Goianiense - Atlético Mineiro
DATE: 4 Sep 2022
TIME: 21:00 UTC
VENUE: Estadio Antonio Accioly, Goiania, Brazil

More details:
Atlético Goianiense live score, schedule and results
Atlético Mineiro live score, schedule and results

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Historique des confrontations entre Atlético GO et Atlético Mineiro

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Pronostic : Atlético GO - Atlético Mineiro

Connectez-vous pour voir les pronostics des internautes ! Vous aurez ainsi accès à la répartition des pronos 1N2 du match entre Atlético GO et Atlético Mineiro.

  • Atlético GO
  • Atlético Mineiro

Statistiques de Atlético GO sur les 20 derniers matchs

StatistiquesNb match%
Plus de 2,5 buts dans le match 9 45%
Moins de 2,5 buts dans le match 11 55%
Nombre de victoires 8 40%
Nombre de matchs nuls 3 15%
Nombre de défaites 9 45%
Nombre de matchs sans encaisser de but 8 40%

Statistiques de Atlético Mineiro sur les 20 derniers matchs

StatistiquesNb match%
Plus de 2,5 buts dans le match 8 40%
Moins de 2,5 buts dans le match 12 60%
Nombre de victoires 7 35%
Nombre de matchs nuls 7 35%
Nombre de défaites 6 30%
Nombre de matchs sans encaisser de but 7 35%

  • Atlético GO
  • Atlético Mineiro

Classement Série A de Atlético GO et Atlético Mineiro

Atlético goianiense e atlético mineiro

Discussions les plus populaires

Quanto Atlético Mineiro e Atlético Goianiense?

O Atlético-MG venceu o Atlético-GO por 2 a 0 neste sábado, com gols de Marlon Freitas (contra) e Hulk, no Independência, pela 6ª rodada do Brasileirão, reencontrando o caminho das vitórias após quatro jogos.

Quem vai transmitir Atlético Mineiro e Atlético Goianiense?

A partida terá transmissão do Amazon Prime Video e do Premiere.

Quanto é o Atlético Mineiro?

O estudo anual sobre valores e forças das marcas de clubes de futebol, feito pela consultoria internacional "Brand Finance", apontou o Atlético-MG com valor de marca de R$ 126 milhões, o oitavo mais valioso no futebol brasileiro.

Quem marcou o gol do Atlético Goianiense hoje?

Os gols do jogo foram marcados por Baralhas, de letra, e Wellington Rato, nos acréscimos, para o Dragão, e Bissoli, num chute colocado de fora da grande área, para os visitantes.