[author] docker, de principiante a experto course

One of the positions that in 2020 we have seen growing up in IT searches are the Devops professionals, and in the search for these profiles we find that the microservices implemented through the use of containers are increasingly used by our client companies.

 In today's article, we bring you a little more information about it.

 The conversation around using Kubernetes or Docker is usually limited to the following: Do I use Docker or Kubernetes? Here is the biggest common mistake, thinking that you have to choose between one or the other.

 First of all, we need to understand what software containers are.

 A container is a closed package that contains everything necessary for an application or a service to run encapsulated within a single image completely independent of the host server that hosts it.

 The idea behind this is that it is light and portable, that it can be transferred between different environments without setbacks since the internal workings are completely independent of the operating system that hosts it.

 And what are the advantages?

 It can be easily versioned, reused and replicated by other developers or by system administrators who have to scale those applications without having to know internally how our application works.

 So what are Kubernetes and Docker?

 Docker is a system that allows us to build, transfer, deploy and run the containers with our applications within a very simple and reliable way, guaranteeing an efficient scalable deployment regardless of the host operating system.

 Kubernetes is a system that is responsible for distributing the containers throughout the system according to the resources available in the cluster, as well as creating, running, monitoring, measuring, destroying and relaunching the containers.

 Would you like to know more about the subject? 

 Follow these links and found more about it:



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Conviértete en un Kubernetes Máster dominando la herramienta más popular para administrar contenedores Docker en 2020!

Probablemente has escuchado la palabra "Kubernetes" más de una vez, y no tienes ni idea de qué es o cómo funciona. Sé cómo se siente, pero ¡Vamos a ponerle fin a eso! Con este curso, aprenderás Kubernetes de una vez por todas, y de la manera más sencilla posible.

No importa si eres un desarrollador, o administrador de sistemas, o DevOps. Con este curso, ¡Kubernetes está al alcance de todos!

¡No esperes más y aprende Kubernetes desde cero! Es una oportunidad única si quieres sobresalir en el mercado actual.

Aprenderás desde las bases, hasta los conceptos más complicados y todo a un ritmo ágil y con mucha práctica.

Dentro del temario veremos:

* Arquitectura

* Conceptos

* Pods,

* ReplicaSets

* Deployments

* Limites

* Health Checks

* Namespaces

* PVC y PV

* Ejercicios de código de aplicaciones del mundo real

* Despliegues

* ¡Y muchas cosas más!

What is the best course for Docker?

In summary, here are 10 of our most popular docker courses.
Docker for absolute beginners: Coursera Project Network..
IBM DevOps and Software Engineering: IBM Skills Network..
Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift: IBM Skills Network..
Container Creation and Orchestration Basics: Codio..

Is Docker hard to learn?

It's easy! Truly, Docker is a time saving tool that is easy to learn and integrate into your environment. There's no reason to avoid learning Docker, as it will benefit almost every server room to some degree. Its Open Source nature also means those benefits can be realized without a large investment.

What is the purpose of docker?

Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly. Docker packages software into standardized units called containers that have everything the software needs to run including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime.

What is a container in programming?

Containers are packages of software that contain all of the necessary elements to run in any environment. In this way, containers virtualize the operating system and run anywhere, from a private data center to the public cloud or even on a developer's personal laptop.