[author] microsoft power bi desktop masterclass - débutants [2022] course

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L'analyse de données rendue accessible à tous grâce à la puissance de Power BI et du langage DAX

What you'll learn:

  • Importer les données de différentes sources dans l'éditeur de requêtes Power Query
  • Découverte des principaux outils de transformation de Power Query
  • Créer des relations entre différentes tables et optimiser le modèle de données
  • Introduction aux concepts clés de la modélisation des données (clés primaires, cardinalités, dimensions, etc)
  • Découverte du langage DAX (Data Analysis Expression) et des fonctions incontournables
  • Créer des Colonnes Calculées et des Mesures en DAX
  • Techniques et Bonnes pratiques de conception des tableaux de bord et rapports dans Power BI Desktop

Microsoft Power BI est aujourd'hui le leader du marché des solutions Business Intelligence en libre-service (Quadrant Magique de Gartner, février 2020).

Il ne fait aucun doute que maîtriser un outil comme Power BIà cette époque où le règne de la "Data" est à son apogée s’avérera, sur tous les plans, être une compétence distinctive cruciale.

Cette formation sur Power BI est l'une des très rares proposées en Français

  • Wilfried A. : En toute franchise, c'est un réel plaisir de suivre ce cours: - Très bien structuré - Formateur pédagogue, à l'écoute et réactif, même sur des questions qui ne sont pas abordées dans ce cours J'ai connu PowerBI en 2016, mais je ne l'ai utilisé qu'environ 3 mois, et pendant la durée du cours, j'ai regretté de ne pas m'être beaucoup plus intéressé à cet outil en 2016.

  • Samaad A. : Très bonne formation. J'ai vraiment apprécié la clarté des explications, les exemples, l'accompagnement pas à pas. Je recommande!

  • Eric P. : J’ai commencé la formation sur mon pc qui a été suivie également sur l’application mobile . Je n’ai pas eu de problème et les sessions sont courtes et bien expliquées et détaillées . Le formateur est clair dans les explications qu’il donne pour suivre les cours

Avec près de 8 heures de contenu, vous serez capables à l'issu de cette formation de conduire un projet de conception de rapports et tableaux de bord (reporting) de A à Z dans Power BI Desktop.

Cela implique que vous serez en mesure de :

  • D'importer les données provenant de multiple sources de données dans Power BI Desktop

  • Nettoyer et transformer cette donnée brute dans l'éditeur de requêtes Power Query

  • Créer votre modèle de données en mettant vos différentes de données en relation entre-elles

  • Enrichir votre modèle de données en créant des informations nouvelles par le biais de Colonnes Calculées et de Mesures

  • Comprendre les rudiments du puissant langage DAX (Data Analysis eXpression)

  • Mettre en oeuvre les meilleurs techniques d'élaboration de tableaux de bord et rapport

Ce cours allie les concepts théoriques clés à la pratique puisqu'il est basé sur la réalisation d'un projetcomplet, et contient à ce titre :

  • Un support pdf

  • Des fichiers de travail téléchargeables

  • Des démos

  • Des quizzz

  • Des devoirs

Taught by

Cekou Coulibaly


4.6 rating at Udemy based on 1462 ratings

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Microsoft Power BI is an advanced yet easy-to-get-started self-service business analytics/business intelligence solution. Power BI is also a great tool for data science. A lot of data scientists like to use it for visualizing and presenting the findings. Therefore, learning to use this tool can be a valuable skill for data science jobs.


  • Requirements::
  • Description:
  • Who this course is for:
  • Course Details:

This course is divided into six sections. We will first start with understanding DAX table calculations with Power BI Desktop and Excel and master DAX. In the second section, we will learn Microsoft Power BI tips and tricks from project experience and research. In the third section, we will be solving data prep challenges. In the fourth section, we will master advanced DAX calculations and build on your acquired knowledge from the prior sections.

In section five, we will be combining data science tools such as Python with Power BI. In the last section, we will cover Power BI best practices, Power BI Calculation Groups, Power BI Charticulator, Power BI performance tips, and Power BI AI.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills and capabilities to analyze and understand data with Power BI.

The complete course bundle is available at //github.com/PacktPublishing/Power-BI-Masterclass

  • Taking the Power BI Masterclass series on udemy will prepare you to start your data analytics career

  • You can quickly create stunning reports in Power BI

  • You can transform messy data into the right format

  • You can generate valuable insights for yourself and your company

  • You can improve strategic decision making and create competitive advantages

  • You can write powerful advanced Dax calculations in Microsoft Power BI

  • You can design Power BI Reports

  • You can create Power BI Dashboards [Reports] in no time

  • Please note! Mac Users have currently only the option to use Power BI via the Power BI Service in their browser [some limitations ] or with Turbo


  • Working with Microsoft products e.g. excel is an advantage, but not required

  • Your willingness to learn and grow

  • This is a Microsoft Power BI Training for beginners to advanced

  • Power BI can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft page


Microsoft Power BI in 12 hours beginners to advanced

Business Intelligence / Business Analytics is in high demand. Companies are constantly searching for ways to make better and faster decisions. Therefore they rely heavily on data. Data driven decision making is the key to success for any business in the world of tomorrow.

Because of that companies are constantly searching for skilled employees and freelancers with the necessary capabilities to help with analyzing data and creating valuable highly profitable insights. This will be the key advantage to succeed in business.

MS Power BI is an andvanced yet easy to get started self service business analytics / business intelligence solution provided by Microsoft which is currently in very hot demand. From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you master Power BI. Diving into data & analytics can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!

Power BI is also a great tool for datascience too. A lot of data scientists like to use it for visualizing and presenting the findings. Therefore learning to use this tool can also be a valuable skill for datascience jobs.

That is why I created this course to help you get started to dive into on of the hottest and best business analytics / business intelligence software currently out there. Starting from scratch we will learn all the relevant PBI basics and also master more advanced concepts step by step. Power BI has a very strong active community and with Microsoft pushing this solution to it’s enterprise customers, Power BI has a bright future ahead. And you can be part of this future!

There is no coding required! Power BI allows you to do that but it’s not necessary.

In this guided learning course you will start form zero to hero in 6 hours and you will learn:

  • the ETL capabilities of Microsoft Power BI [“get messy data easily into the right format”]
  • Master simple and very advanced DAX [Power BI language, similar to like excel formulas] calculations
  • Create outstanding visualisations and reports
  • Derive valuable highly profitalbe insights

    What we learn in this course might also help you later with your Power BI certification exam.

    You can follow along with the provided learning material in Power BI on your own computer at your own pace. Much better then only reading a book right? Exited? You should be. So how to learn Microsoft Power BI Desktop? Buckle up and meet me in the first lecture starting today!

    Update: The complete Power BI Masterclass Series on udemy [I have aggregated some classes together to provide more content value per class for you. I really hope that serves you better!

    1. Power BI Masterclass – beginners to advanced

    2. Microsoft Power BI Masterclass – Expand Excellence

    3.Power BI Masterclass – DAX, Excel And More

    4. The Power BI Masterclass – Additional Tips and Tricks

    5. Power BI Desktop – Data Prep Challenges

    6. Power BI Masterclass – DAX, R and Gateways

    7. Power BI Masterclass – Python Finance and Advanced DAX

    8. Power BI Masterclass – the next level

    9. Power BI DAX Fundamentals Mastering the Key Concepts

    The complete Masterclass Series which covers all relevant features in Power BI consists of 8 courses now. This one is the first.The other  consecutive classes are available here on udemy.  Each course covers additional DAX insights, Power BI features, tips and tricks and best practices in report creation. If you find this course helpful then feel free to check them out as well. You can easily find them by checking out my Instructor profile.

    best regards and happy learning.

Who this course is for:

  • You want to become better at your job OR explore a new career opportunity
  • You want to master self service bi
  • You want to get valuable insights from you data
  • You want to be in high demand [as employee or freelancer]
  • You want to succeed in the working world of tomorrow
  • You want to create stunning visualizations to impress management or your coworkers
  • You want to stand out from the crowd
  • You want to learn and to improve

Course Details:

  • 20.5 hours on-demand video

  • Certificate of completion

Download Course

A comprehensive guide on how to import, transform & visualise data with Power BI, with practical exercises & case study.

What you'll learn:

  • Enjoy CLEAR and CONCISE step by step lessons from a best selling Udemy instructor in FULL HD 1080 P video
  • Learn to create POWERFUL reports and dashboards with Microsoft Power BI with a few clicks of the mouse
  • Gain valuable INSIGHT and INTELLIGENCE from your business and marketing data in a FRACTION of the time of traditional spreadsheets
  • PUBLISH reports and dashboards on the Internet and view using laptops, tablets or smartphones in minutes
  • Learn to create Data Models and use the DAX Formula language to develop POWERFUL calculations
  • Easily create a wide range of GRAPHS and VISUALISATIONS using drag and drop technologies
  • Use the Power BI Q & A feature to easily ask QUESTIONS of your data and provide new insight

If you are new to Power BI or want to fill in some gaps in your knowledge, THIS is the course for you. We've focused on providing you with the fundamentals you need to work with Power BI effectively!

Don't sit through days of boring training to understand how Power BIworks!This course will get you up to speed and working in half the time, giving you the crucial foundation to start you on the journey to becoming a Power BI expert.

This course has been updated for 2022 in full HD video quality, so you will learn on the latest Power BI interface. Students who have taken this course have this to say:

  • "Amazing and captivating course! I have started it with a zero knowledge about Power BI. Now I feel very comfortable and knowledgeable to use it. Thank you for the great course. Highly recommended!"

  • "Best course content and trainer I have had. Can translate the new skills learnt directly into my role and elevate our business. Thank you"

  • "This was a very informative course even though I was already a user of Power BI and had followed another course previously. Enjoyed it and learnt a lot which will be useful in my day to day work! Thank you Ian :)"


  • Understand the flow of using Power BI, from connecting to various data sources, importing these into Power BI, transforming the data and then presenting it effectively

  • Learn how to use Power BI Desktop, Power BIQuery Editor &the Power BIService

  • Learn how to create relationships between related data sources

  • Learn how to build reports with various types of aggregations and filters

  • Learn about the various types of visualizations possible in Power BIand how to use them

  • Learn how to create interactive dashboards with drill throughs and relative date filters

  • Learn how to publish dashboards to the web and mobile app

  • Learn how to use themes and custom visualizations

  • Learn about DAXand how to use it to build measures

  • Learn how to work with Excel & Power BI to create a dynamic and effective business solution

  • Learn how to put this all into practice with a case study about the Corona Virus.


  • You will need to have a PC/Windows laptop loaded with the latest version of Microsoft Power BI (available as a free download). Note that Power BIdoes not currently run natively on a Mac.

  • Whilst this course is designed to cover Power BI from the ground up, some experience of working with data in Excel would be beneficial.


Ian Littlejohn has been a top-rated trainer on the Udemy platform for over 5 years and has more than 10 years' experience in training &management consulting. He specialises in Data Analysis, covering Excel, Power BI, Google Data Studio and Amazon Quicksight.

Ian has over 100,000 students and 50,000 reviews and an average course rating of over 4.5 out of 5. He has a reputation for delivering excellent, logically structured courses which are easy to follow and get the point across without wasting learners' time.

You can see all of Ian's other Data Analysis courses by searching for his name on Udemy.


Learners buying this course get:

  • Full access to almost 7 hours of Full HDquality video

  • 5 downloadable resources and 13 articles

  • Lifetime access

  • Money-back guarantee (see Udemy terms and Conditions)

  • Certificate of completion upon course conclusion


This course will take you from beginner to intermediate level. Look out for Ian's follow on courses to take your skills onto the next level!

  • Power BI Master Class - Query Editor [2020 Edition]

  • Power BI Master Class-Data Models and DAX Formulas 2020

  • Power BI Master Class - Dashboards and Power BI Service 2020

  • Introduction to Data Analysis with Microsoft Power BI

We look forward to having you on the course!

What is the best source to learn Power BI?

Best Online Resources to Learn Power BI.
Introduction to Power BI- DataCamp..
Microsoft Power BI – A Complete Introduction [2022 EDITION]- Udemy..
Microsoft Power BI Desktop for Business Intelligence- Udemy..
Advanced DAX for Microsoft Power BI Desktop- Udemy..
Microsoft Power BI for Analysts- PluralSight..

Is Microsoft Power BI worth learning?

In 2020, the Power BI market represented more than $20 billion, and is estimated to double by 2026. The demand for Power BI is huge, and it's still growing. It's no surprise that careers in data analysis, business analysis, and business intelligence have been booming.

Can I learn Power BI on my own?

Microsoft Power BI team have made a superb YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/mspowerbi/videos) and there are lots of video tutorials available from basic to advanced, you can pick the video from there and can learn at your own pace. It is up to you how quickly you complete the tutorials.

How much does it cost to learn Power BI?

What is the Power BI certification cost in India? The cost of Power BI certification in India is ₹17,043.