Which government agency deals most directly with consumers in how it protects their rights?

The FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection stops unfair, deceptive and fraudulent business practices by collecting reports from consumers and conducting investigations, suing companies and people that break the law, developing rules to maintain a fair marketplace, and educating consumers and businesses about their rights and responsibilities.


As the nation’s consumer protection agency, the FTC takes reports about scammers that cheat people out of money and businesses that don’t make good on their promises. We share these reports with our law enforcement partners and use them to investigate fraud and eliminate unfair business practices. Each year, the FTC also releases a report with information about the number and type of reports we receive.

People are getting more robocalls than ever. Technology is the reason: Companies are using auto-dialers that can send out thousands of phone calls every minute for an incredibly low cost. So what’s the FTC doing to stop these illegal robocallers? And what can you do to limit the number of robocalls you receive? Find out.

Federal Register Notice | August 26, 2022

Federal Register Notice | August 25, 2022

Legal Public Statement | August 24, 2022

Federal Register Notice | August 24, 2022

More Information

Want to order a copy of your free credit report? Or find out how to get a refund for a defective product? Maybe you’re shopping for a car, or investigating a money-making opportunity. The Bureau of Consumer Protection provides tips and advice about money and credit, homes and mortgages, health and fitness, jobs and making money, and privacy and identity.

The FTC sues companies that make deceptive claims about their products or services. These lawsuits sometimes result in refunds for the people affected. Want more information about the FTC’s refunds program? Take a look at recent FTC cases that resulted in refunds.

If you work with traditionally underserved communities — whether you’re a legal aid provider, a TESOL or other teacher, or an advocate — the FTC’s resources can help. You can use our materials in direct client services, language classes, financial literacy or life skills programs, workshops, and credit and debt counseling sessions.

BCP’s Business Center provides plain language guidance to help businesses understand their responsibilities and comply with the law. Browse by topic — Advertising & Marketing, Credit & Finance, Privacy & Security — or by industry to find what you need.

Eight divisions and eight regional offices make up the Bureau of Consumer Protection. Find out how each office contributes to the Bureau’s mission.

The Office of Technology Research and Investigation is a trusted source for research and information on technology’s impact on consumers, and conducts independent studies, evaluates new marketing practices, and provides guidance to consumers, businesses and policy makers. It also assists the FTC’s consumer protection investigators and attorneys by providing technical expertise, investigative assistance, and training.

How do government regulations protect consumers quizlet?

The government protects consumers by establishing regulatory agencies that correctly examine all of the products that suppliers produce.

Which portion of the US government spending took up the largest percentage of the 2016 budget?

President's Proposed 2016 Budget: Total Spending Social Security and labor, Medicare and health programs, and military spending will make up 76 percent of the total budget, leaving just 24 percent, or $957 billion of the $4.1 trillion total, to spend on all other programs.

Which of the following are rights of consumers in a free enterprise system?

The U.S. economic system of free enterprise has five main principles: the freedom for individuals to choose businesses, the right to private property, profits as an incentive, competition, and consumer sovereignty.

What is the biggest responsibility that consumers have?

Five consumer responsibilities include staying informed, reading and following instructions, using products and services properly, speaking out against wrongdoing and lawfully purchasing goods and services..
Inform Yourself Before Purchasing. ... .
Read and Follow Instructions. ... .
Use Products and Services Property..