A allison morreu mesmo teen wolf

In Wolf Moon, Allison arrived at Beacon Hills High School for her first day of class, where she was sitting on the bench outside of the entrance, waiting for the vice-principal to come get her. Just then, her phone rang, and she saw that it was her mother Victoria Argent and answered it. Unbeknownst to Allison, Scott McCall, a fellow student who had recently been bitten by an Alpha Werewolf and was in the process of becoming one as well, was able to hear her conversation with his newly gained superhuman senses. She jokingly scolded her mother for calling her so many times before school had even started before berating herself for forgetting a pen on her first day.

Just as the vice-principal started walking toward her, she ended the call and introduced herself before the two walked into the school so that he could take her to her first class, English, where Scott and his best friend Stiles Stilinski were in class. She sat in the only available seat, the one in front of Scott, who, having heard her conversation on the phone and knowing she needed one, handed her a spare pen, which made her smile as she thanked him.

After class, Allison and Scott went to their respective lockers, which were right across the hall from one another, and when Allison noticed Scott staring at her, she smiled and waved. Before they could interact further, Allison was approached by Lydia Martin, the school's most popular girl, who immediately complimented her on her jacket. When Allison explained that her mom used to be a buyer for a boutique, which was how she got the jacket, Lydia excitedly declared Allison to be her new best friend.

They were soon joined by Jackson Whittemore, the most popular guy at school and Lydia's boyfriend, and the topic of conversation then turned to the party Lydia was throwing at her house that upcoming Friday after the school's first scrimmage of the season; when Allison assumed he meant football, Jackson laughed and stated that football was a joke in Beacon Hills and that their best sport was lacrosse, which Lydia stated was due to him being the team captain. Though Allison declined their invitation to the party, stating that she was having "family night," Lydia managed to convince Allison to accompany her to lacrosse practice so the two could cheer Jackson on during try-outs.

Allison and Lydia sat in the bleachers after school and watched the lacrosse practice, where Scott's newly gained athletic skills (due to his Werewolf transformation enhancing his strength, speed, agility and reflexes) caught the eye of both girls. Allison asked Lydia if she knew who Scott was, and when Lydia, who was visibly impressed by his performance, stated that she had no idea, Allison remarked that he was in her English class. After an awkward start, Scott began catching shot after shot while playing as the goalie, and when he managed to catch even Jackson's most powerful shot, Allison and Lydia jumped to their feet and cheered, much to Jackson's displeasure.

That evening, Allison was driving through Beacon Hills and had briefly taken her eyes off of the road to change the song on her music player when she suddenly hit a dog running across the street. Panicked, she rushed to the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic, where their veterinary technician, Scott, was just planning to lock up for the night. It was storming and pouring rain as she hysterically explained what had happened and walked him to the trunk of her car, where she had placed the injured dog; she was too upset to notice that Scott's eyes flashed gold as he unconsciously used his Werewolf powers to calm the dog down so he could be brought inside the clinic.

Allison watched anxiously as Scott assessed the canine, breathing a sigh of relief when he determined that he only had a broken leg and that he was capable of giving him some pain medicine and splint the affected leg. When Allison began shivering due to being soaking wet from being in the rain, Scott offered her a spare shirt he had in his bag. He was unable to resist taking a peek while Allison was changing in the next room, but when the dog gave him a suspicious look, he muttered that he hadn't seen anything but her bare back.

She returned to the exam room a short time later, wearing Scott's shirt, and when he noticed she had an eyelash on her cheek that she was unable to brush off herself, he did so himself, and it was obvious that the two were beginning to develop feelings for each other. He then walked her out to her car, where he felt emboldened enough to ask if Allison really had "family night" on Friday, or if she really was available to go to Lydia's party. Allison smiled bashfully as she admitted that she made up "family night" as an excuse and accepted his invitation to attend the party with him.

The next day, Allison once again sat in the bleachers and watched the lacrosse team's final day of try-outs after school, and when she caught his attention on the field, they both smiled and waved to each other. Allison was among the many fans and fellow players who cheered when Scott, who had performed an incredible gymnastic feat to make a shot, was announced by Coach Finstock that he had made first line, ignoring how furious Jackson was to be once again outshined by his new rival.

The evening of the party, Scott, driving his mother's car, picked Allison up at her house so they could head to Lydia's. Once there, Allison was oblivious as Scott noticed Derek Hale, a fellow Werewolf, lurking in the shadows, but the young man was quickly distracted from this observation as the two joined the party in the backyard. Allison and Scott eventually begin dancing on the patio, where the two were seen getting closer and closer by Lydia, who was watching them the whole time while Jackson kissed her neck.

However, Allison became alarmed when suddenly, the full moon hit its apex and Scott began to feel sick, not knowing he was close to transforming into a Werewolf for the first time. Not knowing what else to do, Scott excused himself and rushed back into the house, ignoring Stiles' concerned questions as he pushed his way through the throng of people. Allison, worried about him, followed him to the front door, but by the time she finally caught up with him, he had already gotten into his car and sped away, leaving Allison stranded at the party.

Confused, Allison watched Scott speed away when suddenly, she was approached by Derek, who introduced himself as a friend of Scott's before offering to take her home. During the car ride to the Argent House, Derek seemingly made small talk with Allison to determine how much she knew about the Argent Family's legacy as Werewolf Hunters, though he didn't get much information. He then surreptitiously stole her blazer, using it to make a trail with her scent so he could lure Scott to the woods in a sort-of intervention in hopes of forcing him to accept his new life as a lycanthrope. The secrets kept from Allison continued to pile up as her own father Chris Argent and several of his fellow Hunters chased Derek and Scott through the woods and even managed to shoot Scott through the arm with a crossbow.

The following Monday, Allison was waiting for her ride in the parking lot outside of school when Scott, in his lacrosse uniform, caught up with her to apologize for his behavior the previous Friday, though he doesn't give much of an explanation aside from the fact that he was stricken with an illness. When Scott asked for a second chance, Allison jokingly asked him if she was going to regret forgiving him, leading Scott to reply "Probably" in a self-deprecating tone of voice, though she ultimately agrees to a second chance. Just then, a burgundy SUV pulled up nearby, and Allison identified the driver as her dad before saying her goodbyes, not noticing Scott's horror as he realized that Argent was one of the Hunters who had attacked him during the full moon, though Argent does not seem to recognize him, either.

In Second Chance at First Line, Allison ran into Scott at school, where she excitedly informed him that she planned to attend his upcoming lacrosse game, much to Scott's panic (as he had already been forbidden to play in the game by Derek Hale out of fear the still newly turned Werewolf Scott would expose their species to the human world).

Later on in the day, Lydia began introducing Allison to many of the other lacrosse players right in front of Scott, as she was sending a message to Scott about her earlier threat to hook Allison up with one of the hot lacrosse players if he didn't play in that night's game (as, according to Lydia, her status as the captain of the winning lacrosse team rested on the recently revealed athletic prodigy Scott playing).

When Scott saw this and approached Allison, he noticed that she was wearing the jacket she had worn to Lydia's party the previous weekend, which Derek had stolen to lure Scott into the woods. He asked her where she found it, and Allison revealed that it was found in her locker and that she assumed that Lydia, who knows her combination, found it at the party and put it back for her. Scott became paranoid and began asking Allison about her encounter with Derek the night of the party, such as what they talked about, but Allison, beginning to feel uncomfortable, replied that they didn't really say much to each other before begging off to go to class. Scott was so overwhelmed with anger about Derek's meddling that he immediately went to the Hale House ruins to demand that Derek leave his girlfriend alone.

The next evening, Allison ran out of the Argent House when she heard the sound of a car hitting something in the driveway and was horrified when she saw that her father Argent had hit Scott with his SUV while he was pulling in. (Unbeknownst to either of the Argents, Scott had been triggered into a transformation by exposure to purple wolfsbane and had fallen off the roof, the pain allowing him to return to human form). She wasted no time beginning to scold Argent for trying to kill Scott, but Scott insisted that it was his fault and claimed he just wanted to say hi. After Allison and her father checked to make sure Scott was okay, Scott awkwardly took his leave by informing them that he had to get ready for the lacrosse game, only becoming more uncomfortable when both Allison and Argent reply that they will be in attendance.

At the lacrosse match, Lydia joined Allison and Argent in the stands to cheer Jackson and Scott on during the game. When Argent asked which player was Scott, Lydia snidely retorted that he was #11, who hadn't scored all game, much to Allison's displeasure. Scott, having heard this remark with his superhuman senses, was reminded of Jackson's behavior at the previous lacrosse practice and took out his frustration on a player on the opposing team. When Scott starts to lose control, Stiles began to panic from the sidelines, but a crisis is averted when Scott's acute hearing picked up Allison's voice calling out, "You can do it, Scott!", allowing him to regain control enough to finish the game.

Allison tried to find Scott in the commotion after the game when the Beacon Hills Cyclones fans began flooding the field, but she was unable to find him. She eventually made her way back to the school, where she cautiously walked into the boys' locker room to look for him, eventually finding him in the showers. Fortunately, Scott was back to his human form, with Allison none the wiser about what had almost happened on the field. When Allison asked if he was okay, he stated he was just lightheaded and needed a minute alone to get through it, leading Allison to suggest that it was due to the adrenaline caused by his amazing performance at the end of the game.

Scott went on to smile and apologize for acting "really weird" that day, citing the fact that she makes him really nervous as the reason before adding that he just wanted to make sure he got his second chance with her. Allison assured him that he had it and just needed to take it, giving Scott the perfect opportunity to kiss her. The two make out for a long moment before they finally pull away, with Allison ruefully stating that she had to get back to her dad. As she walks out of the locker room, she crosses paths with Stiles and smiles at her new friend before taking her leave.

In Pack Mentality, Allison appeared in a dream that Scott had as a way of his memory processing the trauma of the battle he had with the Alpha to prevent him from killing the bus driver Garrison Myers. In the dream, she and Scott were wandering around the Beacon Hills High School bus bay late at night when they got the idea to sneak on one of the buses for some privacy. The two quickly began making out passionately in one of the seats, but after several long moments, Scott began to lose control over his lycanthropy and started to transform.

He tried to get Allison to get away from him before she could see, but she didn't understand why he was being so aggressive until she became horrified by the sight of his Werewolf face and tried to run away, causing Scott's apex predator instincts to start to chase and attack her. Allison was unable to get out of the bus due to the door jamming, and Scott managed to wake up from the dream right before he could kill her. He assumed that the dream was just that until he met up with Stiles at school and found that an actual violent crime had been committed on one of the buses, just as it had in the dream, causing him to worry that he actually did kill her.

Allison finally showed up at school a few minutes later, having apparently missed Scott's calls and texts, and she was amused by how happy he was to see her, not knowing the context. The two then made their way to class, where Allison instructed Scott to save her a seat at lunch before parting with him.

She met up with Scott and Stiles at lunch as promised, bringing Jackson, Lydia, and Danny Mahealani with her. The topic of conversation inevitably turned to the murder of the man on the bus that occurred the night before, and they all began speculating what kind of an attack it was and the identity of the victim, the latter of which Stiles discovered was Garrett Myers, a school bus driver, who was in critical condition at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. Allison was surprised to hear that Scott knew the victim, as he drove the bus Scott took to and from school during the brief time he was living with his father Rafael McCall.

Bored, Lydia turned the topic to what plans Scott and Allison had made for the following night, immediately inviting herself and Jackson to double-date with them without asking if it was okay. It was clear that neither Scott nor Allison were very fond of this plan, but out of respect to Allison's friendship with Lydia, they reluctantly agreed to go bowling together. When Jackson made a comment about how he only liked to bowl with people who were actually competition, Allison, annoyed by his bullying, asked him how he knew they weren't actual competition, leading Scott to lie and say he was a great bowler when in reality, he was historically bad at it.

Later that day, Scott, who was worried about potentially harming Allison during their date, went to seek advice from the only other Werewolf he knew-- Derek Hale, who was squatting in the ruins of his family home following the fire. Derek correctly guessed that Scott's only concern was hurting Allison, rather than a true desire to learn to control himself, before reluctantly agreeing to give Scott what he needed in exchange for a future favor.

He went on to advise Scott to revisit the scene of the crime and let his superhuman senses help him remember what truly happened. When Scott did so, he found that Allison was projected onto Garrett in his memories out of his subconscious fear of harming her while out of control and that in reality, she had no part in the events of the previous night—instead, he was called out of bed by the Alpha's roar to hunt with him and solidify their pack allegiance, but instead of killing with the Alpha, Scott intervened and protected Garrett, getting injured himself in the process, though it had healed before he awoke.

The next night, Lydia came over to the Argent House to get ready for her and Allison's double date together. Lydia immediately went for Allison's closet and began flipping through the various clothes on hangers, rejecting everything she saw and even remarking that her respect for Allison's fashion taste was dwindling rapidly until finally finding a teal, white, and navy ensemble that she finally found acceptable.

Just as Allison was about to get changed, her father Chris Argent came into the room and immediately cringed when he realized he had forgotten to knock, especially once Lydia flopped onto the bed and flirtatiously greeted him with, "Hi, Mr. Argent..." When Allison asked him what he needed, Argent informed her that she would no longer be going out that night, as the Sheriff had instituted a town-wide curfew until they caught the "animal" that attacked Garrison Myers at the school.

Allison immediately began protesting at the stupidity of this rule, but Argent insisted that it was out of their hands. After he left, Lydia remarked that Allison was "Daddy's little girl" until Allison retorted, "Sometimes... but not tonight." She then pulled on a dark beanie hat and opened her bedroom window before climbing out of it and doing an impressive flip off of the roof before landing lightly on her feet. She went on to ask the awestruck Lydia if she was coming, and the redhead sarcastically replied that she would just take the stairs.

Once they were at Suburban Lanes Bowling Alley, Allison immediately began looking for the perfect ball, leading Scott to remark that she seemed to know what she was doing. She confirmed that she had experience and explained that she used to go bowling with her father before asking Scott when he bowled last. Scott sheepishly replied, "Uh, at a birthday party..." as Allison wandered away to get shoes, so she was out of earshot when he finished, "...when I was eight."

Soon, the four began their game in earnest, with Lydia intentionally performing badly for attention and to make Jackson look better when he immediately got a strike. Next was Scott, who was so nervous that he got a gutter-ball the first try, forcing Allison to step in to stop Jackson for mocking him due to previously saying he was a great bowler. Allison insisted that he just needed a warm-up and advised Scott to aim for the middle for his next shot, which was just as poor as the first.

Allison assured him that they just started before pointing out that Scott was thinking too much, and Scott began to worry that he was ruining their date, though Allison made it clear that this was not the case. However, she did remark that she wouldn't mind shutting Jackson and Lydia up with some good performance and instructed him to think about something else to get him to relax; when he asked what, Allison seductively whispered, "Think about me... naked." When she returned to the seats, Lydia asked Allison what she told him, and Allison simply stated that she gave him something to think about.

The advice seemed to do the trick because once Scott figured out how to surreptitiously use his superhuman strength, speed, and agility/reflexes in his favor, he began getting strikes for every shot he took, much to Jackson's displeasure. Allison made it a point of constantly asking Jackson how many strikes it was in a row just to rub it in his face and suggested that Scott just had natural talent.

Lydia, drawn to men who excel at what they do, began checking Scott out and pretended not to know what to do in hopes of having him show her how to bowl well. Scott redirected her kindly by assuring her that she had it, and when Jackson offered to help, Lydia snapped, "How about I just try this on my own?" before taking her shot and getting a strike on the first try. Allison made a face and pointed out that Lydia had perfect form, but Lydia continued to play dumb; when she returned to the seats, Allison quietly suggested to Lydia that she stop pretending to suck for Jackson's benefit, and Lydia rolled her eyes before retorting that she did plenty of sucking for his benefit in an innuendo regarding their sex life.

While the girls talked, Jackson went into the arcade, and Scott followed him in there in hopes of trying to mend fences with him and get rid of the tension between the two of them. Jackson, however, made it clear that he knew Scott was lying about something that was somehow helping him cheat at lacrosse and in bowling, and that he intended to find out what it was because he knew that whatever his secret, he didn't want Allison to know about it, subtly threatening to tell her if he didn't cooperate.

After their game was over, Scott took Allison home and walked her up to her door, where he asked her if they could hang out again. Allison smiled and confirmed that they would be, but stated for the record that she wasn't big on group dates, so the next time, it should just be the two of them. This relieved Scott, who didn't want a repeat of the night they had with Jackson and Lydia, and the two began to kiss for a long moment before Allison finally sneaked inside.

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In Magic Bullet,

In The Tell,

In Heart Monitor,

In Night School,

In Lunatic,

In Wolf's Bane,

In Co-Captain, her aunt Kate reveals the supernatural world to her, as well as her family's secret legacy as Werewolf Hunters. She is shaken by the revelation, but she decides to be strong. She is shocked even further when it's revealed Scott is a Werewolf at the school formal.

In Formality,

In Code Breaker, she confronts Scott over his lies. But later Allison learns how ruthless Kate truly is. She witnesses Peter Hale, the Alpha Werewolf, kill Kate as revenge for the Hale House Fire. She helps everyone to defeat Peter. Realizing that Scott's dishonesty was to protect her, Allison kisses Scott and tells him she loves him.

In Anchors, as a result of her druid sacrificial ritual, Allison suffers from hallucinations seeing visions of her dead aunt Kate and suffers from trembling which has been interfering with her motor and archery skills; during one of her visions she fires an arrow at a threatening visage of Kate, but had actually fired the arrow at Lydia in reality, but Isaac catches the arrow in time-saving Lydia's life.

In More Bad Than Good, After remembering her and her father's new code, Allison regains her confidence and sharp-shooting skills, saving the werecoyote, Malia Tate's life by firing a tranquilizer dart at Mr. Tate. She still cares for Scott and appears slightly hurt, but shows acceptance when he starts a relationship with Kira Yukimura.

In Galvanize,

In Illuminated, Allison also starts acting on her feelings for Isaac, flirting with him, dancing with him at Danny's black light party, and kissing him as an act of encouragement when they accompany her father to uncover information on the Oni. Isaac is electrified and induced into a coma by a trap set off by the Nogitsune saving her life.

In Silverfinger,

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In Riddled,

In Letharia Vulpina,

In Echo House,

In The Fox and the Wolf, Allison suffers a minor breakdown from all the pressure on her shoulders, confessing to Sheriff Stilinski she seems to always feel scared due to the dangers and she's conflicted over her feelings with Scott and Isaac, the latter she thinks could be dying.

In De-Void, to her relief, Isaac recovers and spends the night with her. With Kira's help, she keeps Isaac, and Ethan and Aiden at bay when it's realized they are under the Nogitsune's control.

In Insatiable, after Lydia is kidnapped by the Nogitsune, Allison sets out to search for her with Isaac. She learns Isaac was still himself when he slept with her before the Nogitsune's fly took control. In the meantime, her father finally teaches her how to make her own silver bullet. She opts to make a silver arrowhead instead since the bow and arrow are her weapons. She tells her father she loves him and is proud of what they've done. At Eichen House, the Nogitsune gains control of the Oni and turns them against Kira, Isaac, and Allison.

During the fight, Isaac is severely mauled by the Oni and one of the demons is about to kill him. Allison draws her final arrow, her silver arrowhead, and fires it into the Oni, destroying the demon entity and saving Issac's life; unfortunately, another Oni runs her through with its sword. She collapses into Scott's arms. Scott tells her that Lydia is safe. Dying, she comforts a horrified Scott, telling him it's okay, that she is in his arms, he was her first love and she will love him forever and he has to tell her dad... Allison then passes away, leaving Scott devastated as he holds her lifeless body. Lydia is then seen screaming in tears knowing that Allison is dead.

In The Divine Move, Isaac figures out that what Allison wanted Scott to tell her father was that she had figured out the way to kill the Oni. She had remembered the way Chris had been able to slow down an Oni by shattering its mask when he shot it with a silver bullet. Allison believed that silver was the key to defeating an Oni but that Chris's bullet had continued to fly which was what had saved the Oni but that an arrow would remain in the body, poisoning the demon and killing it. Chris and Isaac discover that Allison had left four arrowheads behind and they use them to defeat the Oni and avenge Allison.

What were Allison's last words?

Scott grabs her hand, but realizes that he can't take her pain. “That's because it doesn't hurt,” she tells him. Allison Argent's last, coherent words: “I'm in the arms of the first person I ever loved, the person I'll always love. I love you, Scott McCall.” R.I.P., you brave, beautiful, warrior princess.

Why did Allison leave Teen Wolf?

She played Allison Argent in the MTV series Teen Wolf. Before the third season of the series, Reed wanted to move on from the show, do different things and explore other areas of film creatively. She approached executive producer of the show, Jeff Davis, who supported her decision.

What was Allison Argent killed by?

Allison Argent sadly succumbed to a stab wound at the hands of the Oni's sword in Season 3 of Teen Wolf.

Who does Allison end up with in Teen Wolf?

Played by actress Crystal Reed, who left Teen Wolf at the end of Season 3, Allison was given the heroic ending of a hunter and a final moment to reconnect with her one true love, Scott McCall.