Northamptonshire population 2022

Northamptonshire population 2022
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The percentage rise in population was the same in both of Northamptonshire's two council areas

Northamptonshire's population has grown by 13.5% in the past 10 years, results of the 2021 census have shown.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the West Northamptonshire council area grew by approximately 50,600 people to 425,700.

In the North Northamptonshire area, the population increased by 42,650 to 359,500.

The number of people in the East Midlands as a whole went up by 347,000 - a rise of 7.7%.

England and Wales saw its total population go up 6.3% - with 3.5 million more people settling in the countries compared to 2011.

According to the data, the highest population growth overall was in Tower Hamlets, London, which rose by 22.1%.

The census is carried out every 10 years and asks people to answer questions about themselves, their household and their home to build a detailed snapshot of society.

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What is the population of Northamptonshire 2021?

Northamptonshire's population has grown by 13.5% in the past 10 years, results of the 2021 census have shown. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said the West Northamptonshire council area grew by approximately 50,600 people to 425,700.

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How many people live in the whole of Northamptonshire?

built each year (2014-2019) Page 4 Population Size Latest estimates put Northamptonshire's population at 753,278 people (all ages) in 2019 (ONS mid-year estimates), up from 747,622 in 2018 (or +0.76%) and 691,952 in 2011 (Census year) (or +8.86%).

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