Qual a probabilidade do bilhete sorteado em uma rifa ser um número maior que 40 ou número par Obs os bilhetes da rifa são numerados de 1 a 100?

The research aims to understand the conceptions of teachers about the basic concepts of probability through training process based on design experiment. The study of probability is more complex than it is usually presented in training courses and requires a kind of thinking that causes a disruption of deterministic thinking. In the literature review, difficulties highlighted in the development of stochastic thinking can be detected both in its origin and historical evolution as for current studies on conception of teachers. This research addresses basic concepts of probability in a formative process developed with teachers from Secondary School and Basic School, the public of the State of São Paulo, members of the Obsevatory for Education UNIBAN / CAPES Program. The methodology adopted in the research follows the model of Design Experiment, defended by Paul Cobb and his colleagues. The work dynamics occurs through face meetings and monitoring the distance through a virtual learning environment, specially prepared for this purpose. Thus, the training process uses technology as a resource and to support and understanding that enhances the approach to content and helps realize the conceptions of teachers about the basic concepts of probability. The theoretical framework articulates the historical socio epistemological theory with theories on teacher education, statistics education and the use of media technologies. The analysis shows that many of the doubts, misunderstandings and misconceptions, present in most surveys consulted, were also found, especially on conditional probability, independent and mutually exclusive events, and some fallacies, such as representativeness and gambler. With regard to training, the survey also detects some concepts related to the practice of the teacher in the classroom, among them certain fragility in planning and reflection of their teaching, a little practice and some resistance to the use of technology in the educational process. However, feel motivated to family resources to their repertoires. Especially in the aspect of teacher education research reinforces my view that not enough pedagogical content knowledge and technological content knowledge without thorough knowledge of the specific content, without which you can not effect the amalgamation of the three key aspects to perform effective learning of students. I believe that further research in this direction are to be implemented by understanding what may contribute to the improvement of continuing education of teachers and consequently their practices in the classroom.


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Resposta: b) 60%É simples! Basta você pegar a quantidade que você quer saber e dividir pelo todo. No caso 60 rifas, pois há 60 rifas maiores que 40.60/100 = 0,6Convertendo para porcentagem:0,6 x 100 = 60%
Resposta: b) 60%É simples! Basta você pegar a quantidade que você quer saber e dividir pelo todo. No caso 60 rifas, pois há 60 rifas maiores que 40.60/100 = 0,6Convertendo para porcentagem:0,6 x 100 = 60%

Qual a probabilidade de ganhar uma rifa de 100 números?

No exemplo, 100% - 90,24 % = 9,76% de chance de ganhar.

Qual a probabilidade de um número primo ser sorteado na rifa?

Resposta verificada por especialistas A probabilidade de um número primo ser sorteado nessa rifa é de 15/50. Para solucionarmos o problema é necessário um conhecimento prévio acerca das probabilidades. n(Ω): número total de casos possíveis, também chamado de espaço amostral.

É sorteado um número entre 1 é 200 Qual a probabilidade do número ser ímpar sabendo que ele é menor que 100?

De 1 a 200 temos 8 números múltiplos de 25, sendo que 4 deles são ímpares (25, 75, 125, 175). Assim, temos que o número de eventos favoráveis é de 4/200, ou 2/100, que é o mesmo que 2%.

Quantos bilhetes têm uma rifa de centena?

Desta maneira, as rifas podem ser elaboradas basicamente de três formas: 100 bilhetes — numerados de 00 a 99; 1 mil bilhetes — numerados de 000 a 999; 10 mil bilhetes — numerados de 0000 a 9999.